I debated writing a post on this topic for a week or so, but then decided that I wanted to be completely honest and transparent with you guys. There should be no secrets between us as I tend to tell you a lot about my personal life anyway.

When I first started this blog I of course read a couple books and blogs about how to create a blog that has a big readership which in the end will generate money. Let’s be clear here, I hope one day I can create enough money from this blog (without selling my soul) while doing what I am passionate about. So of course I did most of the tips they recommend. I signed up for all social media sites, put ads on my blog and felt guilt when I didn’t post everyday. Some of these things worked for me and some of them didn’t.

I hold very strong to the fact that this blog is ran by a mom of two (almost!!!) and not a corporation, business or single person who can work on it way too much. I have to make my own work/life balance and in the end I have made up my own rules.

  • I have a posting schedule and would like to post 5 days a week, but in reality it is more like 3-4 days a week. Some days naps, down time or cleaning the bathrooms during Little E’s nap out weighs the need to do a post. I know you will understand the need and logic in this rule.
  • I take the weekends off and don’t look at the blog, email or social media during my precious days with my family. I love you guys, but I love my family a little bit more.
  • I love emails from all readers but it will probably take me a few days to get back to you, but I promise I will always get back to you, spelling errors and all.
  • I can only handle a couple social media sites at once – Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram. There are moms that can follow and do all social media sites, I am just not that cool.

How I was trying to earn income – 

  • I use VigLink, which is like amazon affiliate, for most of my //found// posts. So every time you click and buy something from one of my links I get a tiny percentage of that sale. So far this amount has paid for one fancy coffee drink.
  • Ads – so until recently I had several ads on my site powered by google ads. It was actually my hubby who while fixing an issue with this site (so handy to have a techie husband) who took them off because he thought they might be causing a problem. I didn’t buy this at all. He hates advertising of all sorts. But once he took them off I feel in love with the look and feel of my site again. It gave me a better prespretive on what is important – providing you a beautiful resource for making baby food. A little break in your crazy busy day. A visual treat. An escape while you enjoy a minute of peace to yourself.
  • Working with and trying to get sponsors I didn’t even like.

But none of these were working for me. Ever picky me. I wanted to make a site that felt authentic and pure (a crazy concept I know) and these didn’t add up to that vision. So I got rid of all of the above – the viglink, the ads and the sponsors I don’t agree with.

Instead, my new ways of running my site:

No Ads, No Affiliates and No Sales

  • I added a Support Baby FoodE Donation tab, because everything on the main site is free. Why? Because I believe this information should be free for everyone to read, use and enjoy, and really aren’t having kids expensive enough. If you like what is getting posted and want to give something back, please do. It will keep the website up and working and hopefully cover some of the cost of ingredients needed for the recipes. In exchange I will not have ads of any kind on my site, which will create a cleaner and easier to use space for you to enjoy.
  • Books – I published my first e-book this spring!! I really enjoyed this process and plan on publishing a book a two a year. My goal of making ebooks isn’t to make a ton of money or get on the amazon best seller list, it is primarily for me to have a bigger project to focus on. Doing small blog posts each day can make my brain feel choppy and unfocused (just a personal thing I think) so having a bigger project to work on somehow makes me feel more focused and present . All proceeds on the sales of the book goes towards the cost of making the original ebook and then towards the next ebook that I make.
  • Sponsors – I really like the idea of partnering with brands that fit my lifestyle and values. Brands that I actually use and love myself. If I do find a great partnership, I will fully state this in a discloser, but know that I truly do love any company I agree to use.