Post by Katie Benson Post by Katie Benson

Raspberries for Baby

Raspberries are a deliciously sweet and nutritious snack for baby and kiddo. This vibrant fruit is full of immune-boosting vitamin C and skin-nourishing vitamin E and has been shown to help combat obesity in adults. The phytonutrients in raspberries have also been shown to help combat inflammation and lower the risk of cancer by altering the reproduction of cancer cells in the body! Raspberries aren’t a common allergenic food, but it’s important to watch baby or kiddo after consumption to see if they develop a rash or other allergic reaction. Serve raspberries as a tasty finger food, puree with other fruits, veggies or proteins or serve on top of nutrient-dense steel cut oats or quinoa for a fun take on breakfast!

Highlighted Nutritional Importance of Raspberries

Vitamin C – a potent antioxidant and immune-boosting nutrient that is important for skin health
Vitamin K – this vitamin is best known for its role in preventing blood clots but it’s also important for bone growth and development
Folate – essential for a healthy nervous system and brain
Vitamin E – a potent antioxidant, Vitamin E promotes skin health, boosts the immune system and helps the body fight germs
Vitamin B5 – also known as pantothenic acid, this B vitamin is

Manganese – helps form bone and cartilage and plays a role in the formation of carbohydrates, amino acids and cholesterol
Magnesium – this mineral helps regulate energy production within the cell and is necessary for healthy bones and teeth
Copper – this mineral is essential for forming red blood cells and boosts the body’s ability to mend tissues and break down sugars
Iron – important for making hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying red pigment in blood
Potassium – an electrolyte mineral that helps keep baby’s heart muscles working properly

How to Select and Store Raspberries for Baby Food

According to the EWG, raspberries are not on the Dirty Dozen list, meaning they aren’t heavily contaminated with pesticides. Purchasing organic is a personal choice. When picking out raspberries at your farmer’s market or grocery store, look for firm raspberries with a deep red color and without a hull. The hull can be a sign that the berry was picked prematurely, and unlike other fruits, raspberries won’t ripen after they are picked.

To store raspberries, place them in a single layer on a plate and store in the refrigerator until ready to use. This will help keep them free of mold and will prolong their shelf life. Raspberries normally last about 2-3 days, and are best eaten quickly.

Drizzle fresh berries with maple syrup, add them to oatmeal or quinoa for a tasty twist on breakfast, or enjoy them in multiple different purees. Baby and kiddo will love this sweet and nutritious fruit!

Recipes Using Raspberries-